What Our Church Believes

We Have a Great Desire to Populate Heaven

We are part of the Pentecostal church arose as a renewal movement under Protestant Christianity which emphasized a personal and direct experience of God made possible by the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The word Pentecostal has its origin in the Greek term Pentecost which refers to the Jewish Feast of Weeks. We observe the Bible’s inerrancy, which stresses the significance of accepting Jesus as one’s personal lord and savior. We believe in Holy living, speaking in new tongues. Please see our article of faith for more information.

Our Lifestyle Statement. We practice these things because beliefs don’t matter much unless translated into action. These are some things we really believe in and teach firmly.

B – The Bible is our sole authority.

2 Timothy 3:15 “The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach.

us what is true and make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and helps us

to do what is right.” At Judah Church, we have done our very best to ensure that the Bible is our final authority. Not a creed, denominational statement, or what Oprah says, or Montel says. Who is our final authority, not only in our lives but in our churches, the Bible? And it can be trusted. Whenever there is a question about what to do, we know where to find the answer. The Bible. The word of God. It can be trusted as an authority in our lives.

A – Autonomy of the Local Church.

Jesus Christ is the head of this Church. Not Joseph, not the elders. Jesus Christ is the head of this Church, the recognized, honored leader of this Church. Because of that, we are a body, and we work together. He is the source of our life; there is value in associating with other Christians.  But this Church makes its own decisions about its property.

C – Communion/Lord’s Supper

Scripture anticipates that the sacraments instituted by God will raise questions among believers. When the Passover was instituted, for instance. Moses said, “And when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ you shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Lord’s Passover, for he passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt when he struck the Egyptians but spared our houses'” (Ex. 12:26–27). The Lord knew that the Passover would require an explanation. He knew that Israelite children would wonder about the meaning of the rituals. We should expect nothing different regarding our children and the Lord’s Supper. But do we know how to answer such questions? What do we say when our children ask, “What do you mean by this service?”

The Lord’s Supper is a New Testament sacrament showing the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, they that worthily feed upon his body and blood get spiritual nourishment and growth in grace. Testify and renew their thankfulness and engagement to God, and their mutual love and fellowship each with the other as members of the same mystical body. We believe that communion is the symbol of the body and blood of Christ, shared and broken for us all. Therefore, only people who belong to His family should partake at his table.

P – Priesthood of every believer.

This is another doctrine very close to my heart. 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:6 “Christ loves us, and by His death, He has freed us from our sins and made us a kingdom of priests to serve God.

You are the King’s priests, God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God.”

Nobody here wears unique clothes, a special collar, or a special robe. You and I are all priests before God. We don’t need anybody to stand between God and us anymore. Jesus Christ did that by His death and resurrection. You don’t need another human being to stand on your behalf in front of God. Because of that, we all have equal access to God. Sometimes people say to me. You and I have equal access to God. We are all priests, which means we all have the same responsibility of telling people about Christ and of worshiping before Him. That’s a unique privilege we have and something we believe in.

T – Tithing.

The word tithing means ten percent. It’s the way we finance this, Church. We don’t finance it through bingo, raffles, or gimmicks like that. We invest in this Church by giving ten percent of what they earn back to the Church. Nobody’s ever going to come to check up on you. Nobody’s ever going to knock on your door, “You’re about three months behind. Let’s cough up some back pay!” Never! It’s between you and God. We feel like teaching you what the Bible says becomes something between you and God. It is the responsibility of the people who commit themselves to membership here to give and support the work of the Church.

I – Immersion.

Colossians 2:12 “When you were baptized, you were buried with Christ.

And in baptism, you were also raised with Christ.” If you have never been able to watch the baptisms in the baptism pool, you’ve got to do it. You watch people publicly state their belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The picture of baptism is to be buried underwater, just as Christ was buried in the tomb and raised into a new way of life. Baptism is simply a picture of what’s happened on the inside.

S – Spirit-led living.

John 15:5, “Jesus said, `I am the vine, you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you.

will bear much fruit. But apart from Me, you can do nothing.'” This is something we believe.

deeply. He is the source of our life, not just for salvation but for every day. Every day, when you get up, if you do not reconnect yourself, not in terms of salvation, but terms of dependence, “God, I depend

on You today to get me through this day,” you’ll miss out. You’re trying to live your life on your own strength, and that leads only to frustration and exhaustion. God has intended that we are plugged into Him. He is our power source in life.

There were some situations in my life that, if I did not know I had God’s help to get me through another day, would be difficult to face some days. If I did not realize that God was there to guide me every moment of every day, to give me strength, to provide me with wisdom, to give me patience, I’d quit! I know that there’s at least one situation in your life that God has allowed if, for no other reason, it is that you would be dependent on Him for survival and for energy to keep you going.

T – Telling others about Christ.

1 Peter 3:15 “Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason. for the hope that you have.” It is every believer’s responsibility and privilege to tell someone else. You don’t have to know the whole Bible; you don’t have to have some witnessing plan memorized. All you need to do is tell somebody else, “This is what God did for me. I don’t even understand it all, but my life is different because of Jesus Christ.” Telling people about Him.